Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Some day I'm going to be a real artist

I tell my kids all the time I'm not really an artist. I just pretend.  

Iowa Learning Farms has asked me to create some art work for all four sides their new trailer that will be traveling all over the Midwest to teach people of all ages about the importance of taking care of our water.

 I sent my daughter a text about this project.
Me: :wow I guess I'm a real artist huh?
Biz: Congrats! I though you were already an artist
Me: Nope. Been pretending all this time
  Biz: Well you're a pretty good actor

I have always been interested in ecology and I conserve and re-cycle.
A lot of what I make for the studio comes from up-cycled materials. Like my hats and mittens- made from felted wool sweaters.

I am pretty excited about this project. They asked me to do this because of a collage I created for them for a CD that was released this fall. Called "Dogs, Frogs and Nature Songs" 

Pretty darn cool huh? I could be driving down the highway and see my art work drive right by me. This makes me smile.


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