World Market:

Monday June 3
10:00 - 11:30 AM
Ages 9 and older
Fee: $24
There are 3 spaces left in this class.

Ultimate Tree House:
Have you ever dreamed of making a tree house? In this class you get to make a tree house in a real tree! Tree houses are approximately 24" high.
Mondays June 3, 10,17 and 24th
Ages 10 and older
Fee: $85
There is one space left in this session.
Collage Painting:
This is an advanced course for students wanting to learn more about the collage process. We will combine acrylic painting techniques with artistic papers to create a 12 x 12 finished piece.
Tuesdays June 4, 11,18 and 25th
Ages 12 and older

Fee: $75
There are 4 spaces left in this class.

Mosaic Wall Art:
Using Italian glass tiles and fine grout you can create a beautiful picture in this time honored way.
Wednesdays June 5, 12 and 19th
Ages 10 and older
1:00 - 3:00 PM

Fairy Tale Castles:
Up-cycle cardboard tubes, paint and construction paper to create you very own fairy tale castle!
Thursday June 6
10:00 - NOON
Ages 7 and older
There are 5 spaces left in this class

Grab your digital camera and let's find letters of the alphabet! Students will learn to look at everyday objects with new eyes. Must provide your own digital camera!
Fridays June 7,14 and 21st
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Ages 10 and older
Fee: $90
There are 2 spaces left in this class.
Button Bracelets:
Friday afternoons are all about crafting in the studio. The first Friday Afternoon Craft class is Button Bracelets. Using hemp, leather and of course buttons we will make two different styles of bracelets. Make as many as you like! Bring a friend!
Friday June 7
1:00 - 2:30 PM
Ages 10 and older Fee: $22