Ages 3-4
Monday June 4th 9:30 AM
Tuesday June 5th 9:30AM
Ages 4-5
Monday June 4th 10:30AM
Tuesday June 5th 10:30 AM
FEE: $7
FEE: $7
Passport to Art (Grades 3-4) Get your passports ready and travel the world through art. Each week we will visit a different country and learn about the culture through arts and crafts. Each student will receive a complimentary passport at the end of class stamped with each country visited. First stop- CHINA! and there is still room to travel with us.
Mondays 12:30PM – 1:30PM
June 4th – June 25th
FEE: $54
Angry Birds ROCK! (Grades 3-4)
Everyone needs an angry bird to call their own. We will painting a feilf rock to look like your favorite angry bird.
Mosaic Art Mosaic art goes as far back as 400 B.C. to ancient Greece where geometric patterns and scenes of people and animals were depicted by placing small pieces of different colour materials to create a picture. . You will learn how to create a 12” x 12” wall mosaic using Italian glass tiles and fine grout.

Rocket Ships You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to create this fantastic rocket ship but you do have to be creative with paper tubes, tape, paint and glue.
Grades 4-6 Thursday June 7 2:00-3:30PM
Flower Wreath This wreath is made entirely out of egg cartons- you’d never know unless I told you. It’s beautiful!
June 8
Everyone needs an angry bird to call their own. We will painting a feilf rock to look like your favorite angry bird.
Monday June 4th 1:30-3:00
FEE: $22
Ultimate Tree House (Architecture) Have you ever thought about the tree house you would build if you could dream big? In this class you can build your ultimate tree house on a small scale. Think in terms of dollhouse sized staircases and rope swings fit for a fairy. These are the requirements: your house has at least three different levels and each level needs to be accessible – no magically jumping from level to level. One level needs a roof and three sides. Furniture and accessories that you build your self are optional and encouraged.
Grades 5-8 Tuesdays June 5– 26 1:00 PM – 3:00PM
Mosaic Art Mosaic art goes as far back as 400 B.C. to ancient Greece where geometric patterns and scenes of people and animals were depicted by placing small pieces of different colour materials to create a picture. . You will learn how to create a 12” x 12” wall mosaic using Italian glass tiles and fine grout.
Session1: Grades 5-8 Wednesdays June 6-20 1:00 PM – 3:00PM
FEE: $75

Rocket Ships You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to create this fantastic rocket ship but you do have to be creative with paper tubes, tape, paint and glue.
Grades 4-6 Thursday June 7 2:00-3:30PM
FEE: $22

June 8
Session 1: Grades 3-4 1:00-2:30PM
Session2: grades 5-6 3:00-4:30PM
FEE: $22