That's the name of my friend Fish's RAGBRAI team. For those of you who don't know RAGBRAI is a bike ride across Iowa at the end of July. This video is the best explination I have ever found about why people choose to participate in RAGBRAI.
So I got to design the t-shirt for her team this year. I also get to host her team in my house overnight because the first night stops in my town. Which is quite a bit of fun. I only get to see Fish maybe once a year as it is and the visits are always way too short .
I have not done any design work like this in a very long time. I used to design t-shirts all the time. I forgot how much I enjoy it. The fish on a bike is hand drawn- the only thing done in photoshop was the lettering- I hate hand lettering!
So looking forward to getting my t-shirt! Thanks Fish!